The ability to rent or sell a home can swing on one small detail. Location, decoration, and schools are the big issues, but smell is a subtle, yet powerful, persuader. Musty, lived-in, or stale odors in a home decreases value and buyer decisions. Examples of a deodorized home and a standard home are easy to find. Why have so many “Realtor Seminars” suggest the apple pie smell for the kitchen or the potpourri in the living room? Smell is a part of the buyer’s experience. But, masking smells is unfair and leaves people wondering what is hidden from them.

Our certified technicians will remove the worst of smells leaving the home free of odors that will not come back a few weeks later. They are absolutely gone!

In such a neutral environment, a bouquet of flowers can provide the soft scent that people love.

We specialize in Apartment Move-Out and Homes For Sale. Give our team 3-5 hours to do our job, and even foul and pungent odors will be gone.
Warning: Fleas and dust mites are adversely affected by ozone used in our deodorization process. We are not a pest service, but ozone has a adverse impact on these unwanted pests. It is not uncommon to find that fleas, dust mites, and other small insects are harmed by the deodorization process.
Our solutions are pretty amazing. We use no chemicals, no sprays, and no powders. When we are done, you will enjoy a kind of “After Rain Fresh Smell” that has no residual health impact. Employees and customers will be pleased when they walk in to your place of business. Your workplace will be treated by a Green and healthy process that can make a profound difference on workers and customers.

Spas, Gyms, and Workout Centers get a double benefit. Odors are completely eliminated using our process, and all areas will be effectively sanitized. Ozone is one of the best sterilants in the world. It kills bacteria and virus by destroying the membrane (skin) in seconds. Ozone penetrates to every exposed area including carpet, furniture, and walls.

Medical clinics will enjoy the kind of results that would require an expensive team of cleaners, sanitizers, and odor specialists. We recommend a monthly visit for optimum results.
Bars and Nightclubs need the kind of powerful odor removal that our service can provide. Stop trying to mask odors. Remove foul odors and sanitize at the same time.

Call OdorXout Ottawa at (613) 702-4450 for Assistance